Very helpful
1st successful tutorial that actually helped me make a preloader, also I was dying to find out how to change items on the right-click menu for months now I know the answer, does you knowledge ever stop?
Very helpful
1st successful tutorial that actually helped me make a preloader, also I was dying to find out how to change items on the right-click menu for months now I know the answer, does you knowledge ever stop?
Thanks man :) I really dunno and I hope it wont :3
Fun game
200c01100108000a000000000000000003000 902010903010300020902020303020306020a 0b020a10020a16020a1b020a1f020a0003030 303030304030205090305030206030306031f 060a030703040709050709060709070709080 7090907090a07090b07090c07090d07090e07 090f070910070911070912070913070914070 91507091607091707091807091907091a0709 1b07091c07091d07091e07090308030408030 508030608030708030808030908030a08030b 08030c08030d08030e08030f0803100803110 8031208031308031408031508031608031708 031808031908031a08031b08031c08031d080 31e0803030903040908050908060908070908 0809080909080a09080b09080c09080d09080 e09080f090810090811090812090813090814 09081509081609081709081809081909081a0 9081b09081c09081d0908010a1e030a031e0a 1d1f0a0a000b03010b03020b03030b03040b0 3050b03060b03070b03080b03090b030a0b03 0b0b030c0b030d0b030e0b030f0b03100b031 10b03120b03130b03140b03150b03160b0317 0b03180b03190b031a0b031b0b031c0b031d0 b031e0b031f0b03|go left|me||
I knew what you were talking about, due to my obsession with modernwarfare 2.
I designed this to be as comprehensible to the common NGer as much as possible, and common NGers are frequent gamers, so hopefully using MW as an example really hit the nail on the head.
If you can filter the bullshit from the wheat, games like modern warfare 2 can actually teach you quite a lot about how guns reload.
Glad you liked it.
slider puzzle game, with only one stage? you figure out what I wanted to say.
Kinda fun.
It's kinda fun, but 5 things:
1-should have stages.
2-too easy.
3-too slow.
4-a never ending game.
5-the ship can move in all directions(should be only left and right).
but for your first game, bravo!
Haha that was amazing
This is why call of duty modern warfare 2 is good, I didn't google a single answer, though I accidentally answered fast in 3 questions, but I got colonel!
i could use this , im serious man 5/5. 10/10
voted 5
clearly an epic tutorial, u might see a platformer from me soon!
its good
but i wanted to make a build something idea like sims or theme park etc......
No further information has been given :3
Age 30, Male
School, Flash
Cod 6, high
Joined on 6/28/08